Just eight soldiers and a single launch vehicle can get traffic moving over a 46-metre gap in less than 90 minutes using the Dry Support Bridge (DSB). The DSB is the leading rapidly-deployable tactical military bridge of its kind in the world, both in military and disaster relief operations. With an MLC 120 rating, the DSB is in service with the US, Swiss, Australian and Turkish Armies and has repeatedly proven its value in the field, with deployment in the USA, Europe, South Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Its primary mission is emplacement on main supply routes in the rear of the area of direct combat, while its secondary mission is to support and maintain the momentum of attack, when water and dry-gap obstacles are encountered that exceed the capabilities of assault bridging assets.

To date, almost 200 DSB bridging systems have been supplied to armed forces around the world.

Há 40 anos ligando pessoas, facilitando negócios e vencendo desafios!